Four Currents / One Stream
- By Mark and Nicki Pfeifer
Aug 28, 2023
There are four unique currents that have converged into our unique stream of Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity over the last 40 years. It’s been called many things, yet its components are basically these:
(1) Apostolic,
(2) Prophetic,
(3) Intercessional,
(4) Marketplace.
These four elements are by no means new. Each of them was active in the First Century Church. Apostles pioneered its advancement, prophets gave voice to the will of God, believers gathered for intercessory prayer, and the ecclesia grew in the marketplace.
In my lifetime, however, all four of these domains rematerialized in contemporary ways, thanks to the brave and creative leadership of men and women with whom I have shared treasured moments. They rediscovered forgotten methodologies that brought new life to the church worldwide.
I remember when the Prayer Movement began back in the 80’s. It was thrilling to see stadiums filled with people praying. The Prophetic Movement emerged from that season as people received direction from the Holy Spirit – as did the Apostolic Movement when critical mass demanded greater order. Trying to keep up with the books being written and teachings coming forth in those days was both exhilarating and frustrating at the same time!
Most recently, the importance of marketplace has been acknowledged. Leaders in various sectors of society have been identified in the church as sharing the same gifts of people like Joseph, Esther, Daniel, and Lydia of the Bible. This has added a whole new dimension of influence to the church.
While each of these domains can be studied and understood independently, none of them can function on their own.
In other words . . .
Apostles need Prophets, Intercessors and Marketplace Leaders.
Prophets need Apostles, Intercessors and Marketplace Leaders.
Intercessors need Apostles, Prophets, and Marketplace Leaders.
Marketplace Leaders need Apostles, Prophets, and Intercessors.
These four currents flow best together in a unified stream that helps create the River of God. What this looks like globally, nationally, and locally will vary. The distinctive gift-mixes and personalities of the people who flow in these gifts will make every situation unique.
Still, there must be a conscious and intentional effort to unify these currents into a single stream in this season if we are going to experience what God wants to do in our nation.
That’s why I am praying for, calling for and working for a unifying of these four domains. They sprang to life together from the Prayer Movement four decades ago - perhaps God will breathe new life and unity them again in this hour as we pray!
Please join us!